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This Is Why

I have been married for exactly 8 months and 10 days. We’ve begun discussing plans for our first anniversary, because it’s coming up more quickly than we expected. And you know what? There is a frame still sitting on my wall, empty. There is a stack of empty frames in my office, collecting dust, waiting for some love. Our home does not contain one single tangible hold-in-my-hands picture from our wedding. Why? Because when we received our beautiful lovingly-taken images from our wedding photographer, I didn’t make printing them a priority. I figured if I waited, we would have a little more money saved for it, I would have more time later, etc. But there’s always something else that wants the money and the time and the attention, and ba-da-bing ba-da-boom, here we are, 8 months later, with no pictures. Sad face.
THIS is why I hold ordering parties with my clients! THIS is why I insist on helping each person who books with me choose at least one form of tangible hold-in-your-hands pictures at the ordering party. Because unfortunately, when you don’t make a choice, you actually do make a choice, and it’s generally not the choice you wanted.
So don’t end up like me. Embrace the ordering party; embrace your memories.


meet the photographer kira

“These are a few of my favorite things…”
Jesus  |  Hubby  |  my babies
Disney  |  musicals  |  TOMS shoes  |  acting  |  sleep  |  snail mail
coffee  |  farmer’s markets  |  lists  |  planners  |  Narnia  |  tea
dresses  |  superheroes  |  family heirlooms  |  the ocean
Myers Briggs  |  thoughtfulness  |  glitter  |  mountains
intentionality  |  family traditions  |  plants  |  deep feelings

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