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Launch Pad

I’m back!

As some of you know, I took a year off of business, and I am so glad that I did.  I feel refreshed, and excited about Kira Adele Photography this year like I never have before.  It was good timing as well.  I got married last June, so that makes for some crazy times!  I am loving life with my hubby, and am so ready to jump back into Kira Adele Photography.

The lovely (and newly engaged!) Megs Colleen at Imbu Studio helped me redesign my business, and I am pumped about where it is headed.  I love it way more than I did before, and I want to share it with you!

SO, to celebrate this relaunch, I am giving away one free photo session, and two half-price sessions!  You can enter on *this page*.  The window to enter will be open for two weeks, and I will announce the winner on Valentine’s Day (happy love day, peeps!).  May the odds be ever in your favor.

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Something new that I will be doing for the foreseeable future is including a gift for every client who books a session, but the gift changes regularly, so if you’re excited about the “gift of the month,” you have to book during that month, otherwise you’ll miss it, and that’s lame.  No one wants to miss something they’re excited about.

February’s gift is a $10 gift card to Serving Spoon in Menominee.




Serving Spoon is my favorite local spot to hang out and sip lattes or tea, so I’m sharing the love with you! I’m looking forward to sitting out on their deck this summer (in suuuummerrrr!).

So here I go, launching on a new journey. Join me!


Kira Adele



    • Hey Adrienne! Just visit the Giveaway tab on the Facebook page, or the “ENTER GIVEAWAY” page here on the site, and follow the instructions!

  • Congratulations Kira! This is exciting news. Tim and I would love to enter for the free session of 1/2 off so we can take picture of our little Miss Kharis in mommies tummy.

    • Hey Rachelle! To enter just visit the “Giveaway” tab on the Facebook page, or the “ENTER GIVEAWAY” page here on the site, and follow the instructions! I will draw three names on Valentine’s Day; the first name drawn gets the free session, and the second and third names drawn will each get a session for half-off. <3

  • Hey Miss Kira! Congrats on your business launch! I would love to partner with you in your gift giveaways for booked sessions. Was thinking about $10-$20 gift certificates for my custom sign? Let me know what you think. 🙂

    • Hey Dana! I adore that idea!! Can I have your email address, and I will email you about it??

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“These are a few of my favorite things…”
Jesus  |  Hubby  |  my babies
Disney  |  musicals  |  TOMS shoes  |  acting  |  sleep  |  snail mail
coffee  |  farmer’s markets  |  lists  |  planners  |  Narnia  |  tea
dresses  |  superheroes  |  family heirlooms  |  the ocean
Myers Briggs  |  thoughtfulness  |  glitter  |  mountains
intentionality  |  family traditions  |  plants  |  deep feelings

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