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Foggy Session in the Woods

Last week, a super thick fog hit us, and as I was driving around in it, everything in me said I HAD to take pictures of someone in it before it cleared! I quickly texted a friend who lived close by, anxiously asking what her schedule looked like at 5:00, because that was literally the only time I had that day, and thankfully she was free! So she nabbed another friend, and off to the woods we went!

We were all completely freezing by the end; I think it took me a good couple of hours for the chill to go away. But it was worth it! And good that we did it when we did. I woke up to even worse weather the next day, minus the amazingly creepy fog.

So anyways, enjoy our haunting. ? ?


  • Kira, these turned out awesome! Thanks for letting us be your models 🙂

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