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Feeling a Little Stuck

Slow growth is still growth.

This is not an excuse for laziness, a justification, a “*pat, pat* ‘it’s ok!'” but rather, a quiet whispering encouragement when I’m SO fed up that where I am now is so far from where I want to be. Those days when looking at “inspiration” becomes a self-deprecation session and a pity party because they all look SO good, and they are all doing SO well, and then there’s me. What am I doing wrong? What am I not doing enough of? What do I need to change?

Slow growth is still growth.

So on days like that, days like today (or weeks, or months…), I’m diving into the archives so I can compare where I started to where I am now. To remind myself that though it has taken a long time to get to where I am now, I got here. I have grown. I am growing.

Slow growth is still growth.

Just keep working at it. Keep investing. Keep learning. Keep trudging forward. One small, slow step at a time. Even when it seems like everyone else is sprinting. Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle (John Kendall). You ARE going to grow. You WILL get there.

Slow growth is still growth.

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meet the photographer kira

“These are a few of my favorite things…”
Jesus  |  Hubby  |  my babies
Disney  |  musicals  |  TOMS shoes  |  acting  |  sleep  |  snail mail
coffee  |  farmer’s markets  |  lists  |  planners  |  Narnia  |  tea
dresses  |  superheroes  |  family heirlooms  |  the ocean
Myers Briggs  |  thoughtfulness  |  glitter  |  mountains
intentionality  |  family traditions  |  plants  |  deep feelings

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