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Family Sessions ~ Robisons

How is it December already? Didn’t I just take these fall portraits in a pumpkin patch, like, two weeks ago? Oops, I guess not. How do the holidays, especially Christmas, manage to sneak up on us like this every year? You would think eventually I would learn to find it before it finds me. Do a stake out or ambush it, or somehow not let it sneak like that. But no, it still gets me every time. Sneaky Christmas.

Fortunately, I have gotten much better in the gift procrastination department over the past couple of years. I like to chip away at it a little at a time, usually starting in October, and I wrap them as I get them. That way, the week before December doesn’t show up and see a scramble to buy decent gifts for people, or a mass amount of things I feel like I have to wrap all at once. It helps keep the crazy down. Of course, this is our last Christmas without a little one, so things may change in the near future, but I hope to still make it a priority not to procrastinate. Not on this particular thing anyway. 😉

What about you? What are your methods of keeping the crazy contained around Christmas? I’d love to hear about it!

And now, a quick look back at fall family love and that pumpkin patch (Bergeson Farm in Peshtigo is awesome, by the way). 🙂

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meet the photographer kira

“These are a few of my favorite things…”
Jesus  |  Hubby  |  my babies
Disney  |  musicals  |  TOMS shoes  |  acting  |  sleep  |  snail mail
coffee  |  farmer’s markets  |  lists  |  planners  |  Narnia  |  tea
dresses  |  superheroes  |  family heirlooms  |  the ocean
Myers Briggs  |  thoughtfulness  |  glitter  |  mountains
intentionality  |  family traditions  |  plants  |  deep feelings

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