

Chelsea’s Family

Here is the super adorbs mommy/daughter shoot (with some daddy mixed in, cuz he’s important too) from a couple weeks ago. Hope you enjoy the precious faces as much as I did! That’s all

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Luke’s Senior Shoot

Here is the full post for our first senior of the year! Enjoy 🙂 Feel free to share, but please don’t crop, change, or download the pictures, and please include a link back to

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This Is Why

I have been married for exactly 8 months and 10 days. We’ve begun discussing plans for our first anniversary, because it’s coming up more quickly than we expected. And you know what? There is

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Launch Pad

I’m back! As some of you know, I took a year off of business, and I am so glad that I did.  I feel refreshed, and excited about Kira Adele Photography this year like

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the list

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